Message from @JayIsDed◄[Mortis Sec]►
Discord ID: 302269011511738368
is this high school or university
nvm i got link
@JayIsDed◄[Mortis Sec]► ask @NiggerLyncher, I h8 it but he lets me have furfag grove
i went to univeristy in 2008/2009 and we had like 0 talk about politics
no one cared
It's bad
but stragely
sometimes i raid gore channel with ponies
its mandatory i wouldnt ever choose to take it lol
then assclown raids fur grove with gore
My mind is too fucked up
theres an antifa rally tomorrow
or sunday
my pals down at soldiers of odin might be making a showing
the industrial gore someone posted in general last night i couldn't look away from
theres a LOT of antfa in my area
in Pa
The what?
check out furfag grove
they are LARPers
they used to be communists
most will run at violence
im pretty sure if i wore a maga hat i would get assaulted on the street
like machinery and someone getting snagged into it and killed or maimed
only like 2 would actually fight someone out of 15-20
and theyre weak
lol my TA is unironically a fucking anarchist
im a big dude i wana fight some antifa
this white guy sucks dick
So ANTIFA is not real?
i would knocked the fuck outta that spic
if theres no knives or guns, i am down