Message from @Kriley74
Discord ID: 510281426675957799
Also fucking hilarious
I forgot who you are
Oh I know. I would rather have the cake farts thank you.
I'd rather have a more realistic movie about Operation Overlord but it was decent
Found that slav boy yet tequila
tex the best soy
the realest
Operation overlord was a massive logistical feat
Times are despereate here in tequila town
Any longer and im gonna become a rapist
chocolate cake.
Hoho fuckhead
No one in australia is safe
The fucking degeneracy is this server is uncanny at times.
People who eat shit deserve to die of shit related diseases
@Mr Surkuri fuck up
Huge risk huge reward
I mean they lost a war against flightless birbs sorry not sorry
WWII was just full of logistical marvels
I mean it was a bunch of veterans with guns
@Deleted User Okay fair enough. There are times where I wonder if the moderators have a scat fetish.
We made a tank with a penis machine gun port fuck you
@BadBoiJesus No shit faggot, I made it months ago
fuck those cum drinking gifs
Fighting birds from attacking their crops
thats disgusting
I have bigger shoulders than you niko
Be jealous