Message from @Papa Benz
Discord ID: 510282183018020877
Post new shit you fat cunt
Granny, no.
tbh american jaimies shock porn is kinda boring
Jamie you oldfag lover
cause he repeats it too much
Jamie wants to fuck his grammaw
Wait this isnt shitposting
@FUCK fire I'm too lazy to download new shit
The scat is too old get new stuff this shit gets spammed almost daily
@Deleted User get back to work
He is making it difficult
I took the day off lol
Special custard>scat
@Deleted User welp youre contributing to killing the shock porn meme
thats what she said
Start wood working
Scat meme would be better if you got new content
Working at a bowling alley is fun when you get to work with the disabled league
I made a shooting table that was fun
How disabled?
@greydudebro why...
Tards or deadlegs
Easy win.
Bit of both
But they're really lovely people
@FUCK fire So does @shitter's torched. They are both fucking stale.
Theres only a few tards who i hate
Nothing beats busting a cripple’s kneecaps after a good game of bowling.
Ones who blurt out alot
I hate this downy cunt who lives near me who's always talking about fucking footy
Noone gives a fuck cuz it's out of season and shit