Message from @mAri
Discord ID: 302282182834257930
no ive met beaners before
and we could just have a backyard
its real
>what if I'm just a meme?
they're actors
redsquadron they have to go back
@Extra Crispy really activates those almonds
thats why you create a safe zone in syria
wonder why the globalists shill for syrian war
you fell for the jew meme, dummy
of course they all work for the jews
this is america
ok im gonna sleep
the chinese are jews too
you fell for the jew meme you retarded fag
they all work for them
the jew world order is fake news i think, but jews definitely run some shit
but america is still america
democrats are jew lovers
not Trump
you fell for the jew meme you weak minded faggot
Trump is not controlled by the jews
he will be influenced by them, yes
but their is not a jew telling him what to do
you think his ego would allow that
are you some kind of retarded fag or what
ivanka pulls his heartstrings
and yes i am kek
thats a shill meme
Ivanka being a jew lover is a shill meme
ya she loves a jew but not (((jew)))
you have no basis to place this fact that Trump is a jew shill
except from internet garbage
Trump is still out guy even though you got upset over Syria
fags and their feelings