Message from @coattailsandbowties
Discord ID: 510459630250491917
Fuck whiteys
that's just what happens when you don't have rights, people take you over
it happens
N o o n e c a r e s
Ohgod they're back
i like to think of it as manifest destiny
*dribble dribble dribble*
@Questgiver virgin
Actual melts.
@Questgiver you just gonna take that?
<:cheekibreeki:437241338597998592> от сука
He has no defense against the virgin outting
ew, General
Fuck off with your faggotry dicator roleplay, your retarded gayname and your idiotic non-english message, you managed to hit the trifecta *congrats on being that much of a fuck up* @Yung Łum
I vonder why I’m a animal fucker
@sweatercowsandsass goth
Thats a compliment @Questgiver
then you are already lost
big tiddy goth
@coattailsandbowties You're such a faggot
And your no like
@cig mouse who are you
We can’t use emojis from other servers
@TakeMeToYourDealer ew, ROSS
@Kaiju yes you can.
@coattailsandbowties none of yer fucking business
@sweatercowsandsass Don't dox me you wee shite
I guess not the ones I’m on
thought you were watching the stream tex