Message from @coattailsandbowties
Discord ID: 510478895888203777
I still don’t get it.
the fuck is with the bread on trees
@Cow it's big gay, duh.
bread is a staple food
bread brigade?
bread gang
But why staple it to a tree.
these posts are by the bread treerer gang
of superior breading
Because it's the internet.
In breaded trees
And why not
Bread Brigade
It’s a waste of perfectly good bread..
Should I sacrifice a donut for some OC?
No gib doughnut to me thanks
But it makes normies ask questions
Dont waste food tf
sometimes i despair for my species
*I don’t understand, yeah it’s bread stapled to a tree but what’s the point?*
A confused normie is a good normie
@Cow *there is no point damnit*
That's the point.
tree sandwich
The point is that there is none
There is no point and that in in of itself is a point
*It’s a waste of bread, that’s food.*
I like bread.