Message from @coattailsandbowties
Discord ID: 510482301977755661
I made my oof already
My dyslexic ass read those rules like 9 times cause my life is pain sometimes
"hey look at this channel that doesn't have a single piece of text in it... this is not unusual at all, lets type in it"
If you read the rules then it's perfectly straightforward.
It really is
typing in a porn channel is pretty gay anyways
@Ruger must take a genius to figure that out
thats like going into a mates room while hes watching some and know he is
Who wants to see some retard talking when you're having a wank like damn
coattails has a dick confirmed
was looking for my dog and found her like this
Too true @coattailsandbowties
"hey what ya watching"
*Fapfapfap* "Sasha grey bro"
"Oh shit can I join?" *Fapfapfap* "oh no Homo by the way"
"Good call"
I imagine it's like your mum knocking on your door while you're flaying it
send foamy yeast pics
***an idiot sandwich***
someone typed in nsfw
if you wanna raise the amount of yeast, just ask coattails to open her legs
Wow rude
Fuckyou ruger that's harsh
jesus christ
Nah you don't getta laugh this one off
I have a few bread memes but am still in the Gulags...
I put up with the keyboard meme but this is too far
that was perfect
Someone should pin one of the yeast posts both for the pun and to confuse the night posters
@Tillermeister no bread for you it seems
I know snoop