Message from @Thrane75
Discord ID: 510568693940355112
makes your brain sluggish
I mean your brain runs mostly on carbs
your body makes sugars from pretty much anything
Well, eating at all makes your brain slaggish for that matter
Stay fasted
if you eat a load of carbs it just stores them as fat
protein will be used for energy unless you're eating at a caloric surplus. I hate those idiots who drink a single proteinshake and expect to gain anything.
Get dusted
yeah, what deus said
rap is the best genre of music dont @ me
@Aya So it'd be possible for the women chained in my basement to survive on my cum alone?
...they'd probably get scurvy
You can probably still make gains while at a caloric deficit
but yeah
@Hyskoan yes
Fyi its possible
hm, I'll add some vitamin C to my diet.
don't get me wrong, it's possible to gain weight without carbs, but hitting a caloric surplus with only protein and fats is not easy for most.
@ActionST Not unless you use Steroids buddy
it's not *easy*, but it's a hell of a lot more efficient
less keto time
You'll probably not be able to supply the amount needed though
ornages milk and semen are the only things you need in your diet
it's fine, you just have a shake with your meals
@idontfuckinknow1969 don't think so, the gains won't be as obvious but training is training
Fucking keto fuckers annoy me
Onions, oats and semen. the /fit/ diet.
They are like vegans
rob ur dieing
u need milk
@ActionST If you're not relying on fat for gain, you wont be doing much gaining, at least not naturally
except vegans are underperforming weaklings, and ketoers look built