Message from @Pr0NKula
Discord ID: 510611745451016211
I mean septics*
listen to them
@coattailsandbowties just ignore them silly
Fem beepis
also known as property
They tell me that sometimes
if u die theyll go away
they are there to help
Fuck my corpse until it dies, take my peepee and make it queef
Look dude its just all in your head
<@&498259609316884520> furries are worse than septic tank
the walls are bleeding
they arent REAL voices idiot
help me
call bleedy
he can help
Go get arrested again
@*sneezes in brail* Incorrect
<@&498259609316884520> damn furries
<@&498259609316884520> <@&473111631946317824> youre all just as gay tbh
not even a fucking furry
<@&498259609316884520> <@&473111631946317824> youre all just as gay tbh
hello @Pr0NKula it is me, bonk
Dramatic Sperg... what a fitting name
That’s what a furry would say.
@Pr0NKula his name isny even that anymore
Omg Nicolle behave.
@notavalible ur a faggot
oh are we rp'ing me now?
we all rp'ing now
@Dino sorry mum
mum............. thats a dude