Message from @Dino
Discord ID: 511322323773554699
I miss my cat a lot.
My calico purrs very loudly.
My tabby is quiet.
British blue Arabman?
Or Russian?
my cat likes to meow with increasing intensity until you figure out what she wants
British shorthair
only way to halt her is to pet her whille you figure it out
We have one, female, chubby cheeks
My tabby sounds like she’s yelling at us and my calico sounds like she’s just whining.
@coattailsandbowties Get snek.
not while I'm still in my mother's house/
she doesn't like them
My cat greets us every time we come back back home
Get snek anyway.
If Im gone for too long she yells at me
step on snek
I'm not getting a snake if my mum doesn't want one in her house.
mine meows at me on my bed
hes fuckin cute
My cats always greet me when I come home.
Hide snake.
the kittens living in my closet havent started being social yet sadly.. but they did open their eyes today. so sort of hype
I'm going to get one when I live in a place that will let me and when I can afford the electricity requirement and otherwise related upkeep
snakes are quite boring, your mum would never know it was there
Danger Noodles
remember to steppo on snekko
I'd like an axanthic ball python. basically just sneks in greyscale
no steppo
yes steppo