Message from @AK
Discord ID: 511329778897518592
Quick hide your virginity.
***Whats Virginity?***
Ok hello.
I'm just gunna toss this here but has anyone done a study on the negative effects of THOTs and e-girls on society as a whole?
Go away/
@LukeGuillemaud have you tried losing your virginity?
Nah I'm tired of e-girls being forced down my throat by snapchat and I'm about to go on a rant with citations
no one cares
@LukeGuillemaud LMAO PLEASE GO ON
Do it
This is gonna be good 🍿
I'm curious
Rant away.
Come watch
Well I would but... I need to find these sources. I'll be back in about 2 weeks ima write a damn article
I'm bored already
Catch me while im on thanksgiving break bye guys
@LukeGuillemaud write an article about how you personality is as flimsy at that 2 inches gummy worm you call a cock
I'll write you a god damn research paper
@LukeGuillemaud ‘mon then lad put em up
So disappointed, i thought he’d be good fun
I'm sorry I won't dissapoint next time
@LukeGuillemaud I’m sure I’m not the only girl youve ever told that
@LmaoMoni winning so hard
Here is that the guy from heat
Good film like.
Its inspirational to watch