Message from @Doctor Fredric Bodhamn
Discord ID: 511413467086061580
so sad, found a ricardo cp group on whatsapp can i get 200 upboats for therapy
I'm lost
You'll need some heavier gauge shit than thaty dude
@Deleted User why hang them when we can crucify them?
@Deleted User unless the furry in question is a midget that noises way too low off the ground
Skin them.
Furries are why we should legalize crucifixion
Hell yes @LmaoMoni
scalp furries
Have you seen those fucking Tik tok furries
I'll get my Cherokee friends t help with the scalping!
I can’t believe the girl that was 17 and calling people daddy in sargons server is a furry
I’d recommend finding yourself an image of a rope higher off the ground and reposting the image in about 3-6 hours in a fresh time zone worth of whites.
There are a ton of pakistanis here to make IEDs to blow the furries to shit
That's how you tell Indians to help you scalp a furfag
Marine Corps teams up with ISIS to hunt down furries
Time to wank
be back in an hour fellas
It takes you an hour to fucking wank?!? @Red Pulsating Rod
Is it's nerves that fuckibg dead?
Take a break for a week man...
Well I’m heading off to bed. See you in the morn.
Takes me 55 minutes to find the perfect vid
Ok that's true
next 5 minutes is just wank
But i'm going out to eat chill
10-0 minutes is acceptable.
Anything above you should consider not fapping ever again...
As your pp may be dead.
Or dying.
new pc
Dazzie, you can't just post JoJo memes