Message from @Dahaka
Discord ID: 511567903389253643
@T e x's penis is **2 inches!** (5.08 cm)
8==D 💦
Ehh 😒
looks like I've got the biggest bepis 😂
Rekt 🔥 💯 😂 🏌 🏌 served 😂
@Ruger's penis is **10 inches!** (25.4 cm)
8==========D 💦💦💦💦💦
😍 Wow! 😍
&penislength @Emojipasta-Bot
@Emojipasta-Bot's penis is **11 inches!** (27.94 cm)
8===========D 💦💦💦💦💦
😍 Wow! 😍
My peepee is smol
Me and Octavia got the same size
looks like I tie with the bot 😂
@Metal's penis is **2 inches!** (5.08 cm)
8==D 💦
Ehh 😒
Okay, ultimate soyboy brawl in cancer
fuck off
come on, one of you boys have to be bigger then me 😂
I like how Tex has the smallest
&penislength @Hammond_of_Texas
@Hammond_of_Texas's penis is **4 inches!** (10.16 cm)
8====D 💦💦
Ehh 😒
&penislength @Potato Man
@Potato Man's penis is **3 inches!** (7.62 cm)
8===D 💦
Ehh 😒
Want to see if it changes
it shrank hammond 😂
Im the only whitey here
@Dahaka's penis is **9 inches!** (22.86 cm)
8=========D 💦💦💦💦
😍 Wow! 😍
I feel oppressed
@Xans's penis is **5 inches!** (12.7 cm)
8=====D 💦💦
Nice 😉
fake news