Message from @Doctor Fredric Bodhamn
Discord ID: 511659202662367232
They kinda butchered my length. 8 inches is way smaller than my real length
ok lets roll
&penislength @Tesserarius
@Tesserarius's penis is **10 inches!** (25.4 cm)
8==========D 💦💦💦💦💦
😍 Wow! 😍
Fuck yes
A whitey has a bigger pp than I do
the only place I can feel confident about my penis size
&penis length
&ud trap
Let's see papa dank's penis size....
^found a retard
+kick @Doctor Fredric Bodhamn "lyra did it"
What the
it's general
what was is?
Someone already did it?
&poll yeet or dab? yeet dab
I've said this before and I'll say it again:
anyone below 6 inches is a chodelett
That could've been my only chance to @ someone within actual fukin reason...
&spin @Lyra
:regional_indicator_o::regional_indicator_h::warning::regional_indicator_s::regional_indicator_h::regional_indicator_i::regional_indicator_t::exclamation: THIS NI:b::b:A :fire: @Lyra :fire: JUST GOT SPUN ON BY @AstroTorch! :100: :ok_hand:
oh fuk
wit fuc
is this what has become to this server?
What happened to the scat?
Yes and it's wonderful...
yeah I guess I have to get used to it
You don't come to scat. Scat comes to you. @Tesserarius