Message from @Norvix
Discord ID: 511888474589102082
Bogun / Bergen
And stopped Nazi Germany from finishing a prototype nuclear reactor
well.. good machinery id say germany, but since its misspelled ima guess china
Probably wouldn't work anyway
Bunch of snowmen on skiis
The Germans had no idea what they were doing with fission
Thanks to training and taking orders from the British allied high command
The Germans barely had any idea of anything to be honest
They were collecting heavy water to use as a moderater from Norway but that's about it
I've been to the Vormork heavy water plant
The German atomic program was a load of hot air, still caused us to start the Manhattan project tho
in Telemark
But better
Autistic retard can't use a phone camera
The atomic program was stopped around the invasion of Poland. Then re-activated
wierd flex but ok
@Hammond_of_Texas apparently not
Lol my city looks way more like the ussr
why are you taking a bus when half your country drives a tesla?
Don't have a good pic now tho
Guys look my city
*Blurry ass block*
looks like sweden tbh
At least he captured the incompetence of the udssr well
Or as I call em'
Eh i guess its only here that people say udssr
Bunch of people
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Kingdom of Norway
Russian Federation
Your mom