Message from @Ruger
Discord ID: 511898805063516168
Ram Ranch Salad, so buff,you'll be begging for more, begging for more, fucking and fucking and fuckin
Ignoring the lotharithmic scale of decibel, the *multiplier* itself is logarithmic in nature
The squawking intensifies
Basically bitches get louder
ya'll physics faggots are so smart your dumb again
Hey I don't do physics at least my shit is applied
hey don't blame physics for this shit
Applied head nip
You mean the shit you're failing at? <:TogaDab:463848188508504064>
Psychics is heresy
Don't do physics
Do drugs
psychics lol
like how can i explain it any simpler lol
I'm not failing because I'm dumb.
By banging your head off the keyboard ruger
do jager bombs
You can have a log of a log guys
I just had a log
Yeah no I concede I was being smooth brain
I drop a log in the lake every day
God is the only science I need
A caramel log
A birch log.
hol up till torch mashes out his smooth brain answer
nice malt loaf
whose stanley
Torch we're hollin'
the log makes a nice splashing sound when it hits the water
did you know that soreen does a banana version of their malt loaf? honestly it's fucking good
Cmon torch let's see what you got
@Leeroy YES OMG
Always entertaining when people with degrees and shit start having a serious discussion and all the smooth brained niggas feel the need to chime in with their hot takes
I didn't know