Message from @THCVee
Discord ID: 512098267539177474
plot twist is one of those hairless cats
I know he has fur I just worry too much about him
plot twist kill yourself
I figured
Then it is fucking dead. Worrying your cat is fine.
-5 to cats is mild one last before sleep
fuck all rank elitists except me
for i am the best
go to bed you have school tomorrow
i just got up you ~~r~~wank elitist
Actually I'm a wank elitist
<@&473111631946317824> <@&418479903571443713> <@&498259609316884520>
You guys wanna see a rat get tortured?
end yourself immediately
Such a great way to start a conversation
Would you want to see a tasty green chili chicken enchilada casserole?
Yes please
Fucking MMMM
And it was godtier
I might just leave the misses for you
whats this drama with h3h3?
whats the slimy cunt done now
I just heard something happened.
same and theyre losing subs
it over the better care thing
oh boy what is it now