Message from @sweatercowsandsass
Discord ID: 512295462707920906
your a leaker @sweatercowsandsass!!! your fired from this administration
This conversation has been going on for too long
My God what is this shit show
@Octavia **L E A K E D**
That was gold cow
@AK yeah but it's been going on for like two hours and it's just getting sad
cyber bullied
Lmao yeah thats funny
Be careful guys daddy is online
we're doing cringy dming from whities?
You got immediately triggered hahaha
Let me dig through mine
i got triggered?
When I looked up the PornHub statistics for 2017, I died inside a little
Dim has some good ones
I've got some amazing ones
Yeah you did lol "get out" immediately when I asked a question.... you triggered lil salty boi
Whities arselicking me thinking that it will let them get away with more shit
I must have something you want since you just won't leave me the fuck alone
trust me
i just wanna be a furfag in peace m8 jut fuck off
I wouldn't be surprised if DMs were all rank beg
you have nothing any of us want
literally you've been here for so long that your way into the conversation is to @ a guy taht's been here 3 days
talk about desperate
we laught at autistic people, this is why I say you don't understand the server
Actually, you started talking to me today when i was innocently going <@&498259609316884520> and saying random shit
Its funny how retarded some people are on this server
thats just lies
you stupid fucking bitch