Message from @Arabman123
Discord ID: 512422420934688768
im an eco fascist
I really want to go get some deer jerky rn
anarcho primitivist
Who would win
Anarcho primitivist without their glasses or some orange blur
@Millihex old meme get better bants tbh also thats just natural selection
have you read linkola?
i am a caucasian with blue eyes, yes
That's why I'm here, need to work on the bants
That is a good point though
@Arabman123 so adorable
@TomTupperware really want to tbh
Cats are assholes
ok you can be my friend
ive read the teds manifesto
thats it
Soft cat
Fat pussy
accept that industrialization is destroying the world and we need to revert to tribal life so we can live in peace
Lets go back to cholera.
Personally idc
Cats are nice
Stop posting your meal
Ha mate that’s his fuck buddy
those with weak genes will die off and wont be able to hold us back as a species
the jews
@ComradeBear it could be both