Message from @TBORIOT
Discord ID: 512605587729547284
Don't spend money on home
I've been furry for a few weeks now
but why?
GCSE science
Hot man hiding in bushes
What is this 'hot man' doing in the bushes?
Got to be specific
Bush stuff.
george bush
hates black people
🤣 ☝
can you just skidaddle? @Gentle Caress of the Inner Thigh
Bonk is defending his territory
Oh gay stuff in NSFW go to <#418503975478755348> for gay stuff
no i gotta keep you in here with me haha
Good Morning
i will
Why are there so many septic fags?
@The Walmart Drug Cartel (X) morning
because i have autism
he typed in nsfw i talked shit about a furry
i dont know about ben
not a furry mate
a trap
not u cunt
@Doki Doki? Autism levels reaching forest fire levels.
@TBORIOT haha retard
dog act
not everything is about you
doki you were online when i got to the shitter
well how the fuck else are you talking about we are the only to sept fags talking
why are you surprised
Oh yea