Message from @Dino
Discord ID: 512765818044678182
I enjoyed the Dankula offical podcast.
I wanna do all the quests possible
he reiterates a lot of stuff when he’s getting interviewed
The time Dunky went on the H3H3 show was pretty bad.
In chapter 6 o hear theres 2 extra missions if you have full honor
H3H3 podcast is so fucking awkward
@fuzzyplant Yup
But I like it
Na but the Dunky one was just straight cringe.
Ive got the black and white arabian horses too
@fuzzyplant I've done em because Honour 7 = 50% off in all stores.
Sup my gay Niggas
Like he was not comfortable at all.
that time Logan or one of the fag bros went on the H3H3 podcast was so fucking awkward
Dunky stages his videos tho
@fuzzyplant It just means that when you are bulk buying ammo or new weapons it costs a fuckin fraction of the price
kind of dunkys thing
He does and he obviously doesn't like being on camera.
Meh im smack in the middle with my honor right now
He had his head down really low like he was the virgin from that chad meme
Money isnt a biggie for me ingame right now
oh lord
Like I said, obviously not comfortable.
We're in boys.
Fucking lol Ruger.
Fucking wow
ffs Ruger lololol
Fucking wow
@fuzzyplant Why did you do one of them dirty money glitches?
god damn lol
Rugs did count dirty
This dude deserves a veteran medal
Ruger baiting out the skets