Message from @Deleted User
Discord ID: 512982985797009410
@coattailsandbowties TShirt is harsh but has some pretty fire insults/banter.
I'm disappoint
I called my rival in Pokemon “boaby”
After boaby the barman
And because he’s a mad boaby
@Dino aye he's pretty creative
I have hit peak comedy
i found an hd model of Mortarian without wings
Retire now hendo
There's a couple that have stuck with me tho, it can get too far pretty easy.
@Tea shite patter.
so that's gonna help me a lot in my conversion
<#418492114679365643> in a nutshell
@Deleted User Shut it you ya fucking plectrum.
@Prostagma a non-unity one?
@Tea i don't think that works as an insult mate.....
no the Magnus one unity
It does coats
@Tea fuck up ya reprobate
what are you on
Anything works as a insult if you scream loud enough
@Deleted User Whiski you snort council and pee in the sink
The Scots can turn anything in an insult
@Deleted User He's dissing the fact that you piss in the sink
still need to find a set of wings for Mortarian doe
defend your morals.
I enjoy sunk pissing
Dinnae be dragging other cunts into it
example, fuck up ya used, mouldy teabag @Deleted User x
Jamie's a degen
@coattailsandbowties Yeah a few comments have stuck with myself but as I said I doubt he means *means* it.
@Tea aye an ur a failed policeman with failed life goals.
I pay the rent I'll pee in the sink if I want is back on
T-shirt is a button pusher.
I love him
@coattailsandbowties He might just not agree with people being trans so I'm alright with it, he can have his views.