Message from @Aprosule
Discord ID: 513553044793851907
Be ome with the turdd
My heritage is loafs of spaghetti
I think i will post my conclusion
My heritage is gingers getting high on blighted potatoes, oh and some swedes
WhY PlAy MoRrOwInD WhEn YoU cAn PlAy SkYrIm
So Irish with some swedish mixed in?
Why play skyrim when you can play oblivion.
Yeah, like 10% Swede and 25% Irish, but still Blonde and Blue eyes
Why play Oblivion when you can play Destiny 2
Why play video game when you can go outside.
^ Vote on what gun has the best tasting bullets
Glock wins
Most common
turd people. turd people. looks like turd. talk like people...
I hear Kurt Cobain really like buckshot though
What are y'all up to?
@Aprosule would you care for the colour from DAF?
Poop boi
*and the tears begin to flow*
uh oh
I was pooped on
We Wuz Turdz
gang gang
how ya doing habibi @Hammond_of_Texas
I'm ok
@Count Dankula love u bb
ive got family over
enter socially awkward me
walk in naked like Waddup Ive got a big cock
Do it.