Message from @Dazzie
Discord ID: 513670942459691020
Spooky skeleton
Almost spooked me
Well now she is
Lol she said she didn’t have a problem
I think
she deserved to die. everyone told her she was unhealthy and she ignored it for two years
Isnt she dead?
she doesnt deserve an f
@V3xxed_G1raff3 that picture's practicall gore
Better than that Amanda Todd chick drinking bleach in the gutter
youtube allows it so im fine
Did she drop a bone and some arrows?
**Buh dum tcshhhh**
‘Why can’t I hold all these internal organs!?’
@V3xxed_G1raff3 eggy boi
nah shes just *naturally skinny*
***Casually shits out organs***
On Opposite Day
Night all
night fag
Dont die in my absence
do you think they could bury euginia in a jam jar???
Ngl tho she was super pretty from the neck up
Yes @V3xxed_G1raff3
If you couldn't see how fucking skinny she was she was really pretty
Don’t drown in vomit @Todd
I’d miss u
her face was a 6/10 when she was skinny but before that she was alright to look at
Whats happening
Coney died
Cooney *
Why am I purple?
@Kriley74 euginia cooney died