Message from @soup dad

Discord ID: 513935654325977121

2018-11-19 04:34:26 UTC  

So, anyone wanna squad up on WT and carry a tier II faggot at BR 2.7?

Grinch is just some old pedo hermit living in a mountain

2018-11-19 04:34:34 UTC  

The Grinch is the christmas succubus of hairy green nuts and plundered asses

2018-11-19 04:34:37 UTC  

Dankwaffe Hours.

2018-11-19 04:34:41 UTC  


2018-11-19 04:34:52 UTC  


2018-11-19 04:35:06 UTC  

Watch someone lose rank with this one easy trick

2018-11-19 04:35:11 UTC  

6 clicks.

2018-11-19 04:35:13 UTC  

Play it.

2018-11-19 04:35:18 UTC  

I think I preferred when everyone’s name matched the background

2018-11-19 04:35:18 UTC  

Thus my point on why Krampus is superior in every way to the Grinch

2018-11-19 04:35:19 UTC  

You should do a thunderdome

2018-11-19 04:35:24 UTC  

The rules seem really cool

2018-11-19 04:35:39 UTC  

Only the mods call a thunder dome

2018-11-19 04:35:47 UTC  

And there hasn’t been one in weeks

Lucky for you fags

2018-11-19 04:36:02 UTC  

I’d be up to challenge someone though

2018-11-19 04:36:02 UTC  

Oh okay

2018-11-19 04:36:07 UTC  

Now I know

2018-11-19 04:36:48 UTC  

This one simple trick

Lamp is secret police

2018-11-19 04:37:05 UTC  

@soup dad How'd your paper go?

2018-11-19 04:37:22 UTC  

No idea, hopefully well

2018-11-19 04:37:37 UTC  

You sat a test today?

2018-11-19 04:37:42 UTC  

You'll be fine. @soup dad

2018-11-19 04:37:45 UTC  

Shit hope you passed

2018-11-19 04:37:48 UTC  

You a smart boi.

What was the test though?

2018-11-19 04:38:18 UTC  

I can't fucking wrtie my Envs Sci paper

2018-11-19 04:38:25 UTC  

Literally no idea on what to do

2018-11-19 04:38:38 UTC  

@lolfire if the occasion ever arrises I challenge you to the thunder dome

2018-11-19 04:38:49 UTC  

I'm sure you'll get a good grade, not trying to sound like an ass kisser but you seem to know what you're talking about.

I would destroy you nigs

I am dank memer yes

2018-11-19 04:39:13 UTC  

Are you drunk again lolifur?

2018-11-19 04:39:28 UTC  

lolfire send me drunk nudes

2018-11-19 04:39:47 UTC  

@Hatter fuck up fag