Message from @CheekyOGNutZach
Discord ID: 513981031783858196
Sad thing.
I don't like it because it's just a bunch of people talking over each toher
because lyr fucking government is gucked and now wants to control the cost of renting
Dino seemed nice enough in vc
Scat boi is a nice color
I like VC but i need to go pick up my new headset cause I hate VC on mobile
I might not be able to visit the UK.
Whitey VC is shite most of the time
Zachs sound
Same i've been in VC like twice, and I end up just lurking
@Dino oi nah why
same niccole
I expected Zach to get Scat first.
@Tea ayyyyy
@sweatercowsandsass it's alright naebody misses u
@Deleted User okay thats good then
I didnt want anyone to miss me anyway
Wtf has happened to roles
You know who she is
@Tea It's just not looking good, huge fucking family news >_> and not of the good kind.
That’s mama mongo boot fam
Your trans now @holy heccaroni
Putting bets on tea getting scat soon. Very scottish and quite active
I hope it goes okay
@Todd aw sick
Aye your nice @sweatercowsandsass grab one from Poundland
@CheekyOGNutZach its alright, hes always trying to pick fights with me aha i just ignore him now, he just sounds like a heavy incel
poundies rofl
I'm a heavy incel 😂
I'll put it this way, might not need to get as many presents on christmas.
Aye whiski
@Deleted User nah I have one I need to pick up from the post office, i wasnt in when they delivered it
F for dino's fam
Pure heavy incel like
heavy incel