Message from @RatKing
Discord ID: 515311377682792479
That doesnt happen hatter
Hope you`ve all been good little boys and girls this year
Wit do you mean that doesn't happen
i eat baked beans straight out of the can when i'm out bush, does that make me even more of a degenerate?
Many nights have been spent hanging in a bus stop throwing chunks at me fav booze and its not stopped me yet atleast
Literally what happened to me, I feel sick at the smell of rum now, before I used to enjoy it with everything and now my body just cringes at the smell of it
It definitely does happen, I tried to neck rum when I was like 14 and the shit still makes me feel sick at the smell
I wasnt even 14, i done it when overwatch came out lmao
Maybe Im just a degenerate when it comes to booze then ._.
2nd week and we were like
"ok lets play a drinking game"
"every time someone on the team dies take a shot"
"if a mercy player dies and flames in chat, take 3 shots"
<@&418479903571443713> <@&473111631946317824> <@&498259609316884520> you guys should fuck with @RatKing
that sounds like a fun game
it was because after like 3 shots everyone was trying to not die
so it wasnt *that* bad like 20 shots in a game but christ it was rough
never again
The mercy part was stupid. Always happens.
@RatKing YOU STINK... lol
mfw I ended up a mercy main in overwatch <:thomas:437128828200943616>
is ashe out on ranked yet?
Use this emote <:hahaa:512751928816697364> to fuck with him
<:hahaa:512751928816697364> <:hahaa:512751928816697364>
Am i cool now?
@Tea I say 'main' with a very loose sense of it. I just played her a lot
I pretty much played everything in overwatch since i was gud enough to do it
but the game sucks cock now so fuck that shit
Ahh yes the time honoured tradition of drinking pisswater while watching hand-egg
NFL is shit.
@Tea same
@Tea league if fucking hilarious
I prefer vodka