Message from @Tea
Discord ID: 515312111128150027
@RatKing YOU STINK... lol
mfw I ended up a mercy main in overwatch <:thomas:437128828200943616>
is ashe out on ranked yet?
Use this emote <:hahaa:512751928816697364> to fuck with him
<:hahaa:512751928816697364> <:hahaa:512751928816697364>
Am i cool now?
@Tea I say 'main' with a very loose sense of it. I just played her a lot
I pretty much played everything in overwatch since i was gud enough to do it
but the game sucks cock now so fuck that shit
Ahh yes the time honoured tradition of drinking pisswater while watching hand-egg
NFL is shit.
@Tea same
@Tea league if fucking hilarious
I prefer vodka
College is better I agree
Shit sport.
Boomer sooner
I stopped trying to play league seriously several years ago and now its just "How can I frustrate the enemy team in a duo bot this game..."
Meh I could care less about football. But I like baseball
Becoming one now. *sips*
Baseball is even worse tbh.
I don't think you understand
American's have their own sports because no one else cares about them.
baseball is fun to play
Boomers were a different thing
shit to watch
Hockey is where it's at.
I like golf and bowling.
Gayest ever
Hocky is fucking lit
and hocky
Snooker is a mans game.
Hockey is retarded