Message from @raifu
Discord ID: 288162255294431242
It is a fairly meme round
I've seen several people shot with .380
Weak sauce
.45 is a meme
One got lodged in a guy's eye
>thinking le stoppingpower exists for anything but rifle rounds
Sounds like he was still incapacitated.
>he doesnt like .380
sure, by niggers, who cant aim
.380 is fun, but not very deadly
plenty deadly, as with any caliber, shot placement is king
Unless ofc, you hit central nervous system
.22 at 500 yards is my game.
But good luck holding your hands steady while a kang rushes u with a knife
dont need to
>self defence
got 8 booletarinos
Seems legit
>Not carrying a luger
>not sniping niggers at 500 yards in self defense
I carry a p30 sometimes, close enough
>Not using an A-10 to strafe Ghettos
ar10 is shit
I'm from NJ, so I know a lot about firearms and such
>and you laughed at my raifu
Choose one
kar98 guys
M48 guys
M48 is merely budget K98
when we need firearms, we have more problems
The commies arent that big a problem
We will need guns when they have them