Message from @RPxFrost
Discord ID: 515866124571639818
imagine greentexting on a discord server
i said hes a copy pasta furry
fastest draw in the west
hit or yiff is furry shit
he copied it
move along ben
No the fuck hes not can you actually see with your fucking eyes or are you blind look at his profile pic
+kick @AstroTorch
were just gonna kill em
copy pasta furry not a real fucking furry
why are you so passionate about my issues ben
You cant then you dumb cunt
+kick @AstroTorch
+kick @AstroTorch
+kick @AstroTorch
+kick @AstroTorch
i said fine didnt i?
Stop you'll give poops a stroke
Just now yes
not just now beforehand
before you called me thot
I see but you kept the argument going
am i a plaything
not that i know at least
you called me a thot you kept it going
you're not stopping ben
im stopping now then
I did call you a thot but right after yoy started talking again am i wrong prove me wrong with facts and you're still going on now
So juat shut the fuck up already
And have a good day cunt
i was about to until you kept typing if you havent noticed
u too twat
Define twat for me please
my name isnt true
i fuck older women