Message from @Based Rai
Discord ID: 516003071340445709
If your looking for the right croud fuck off to a 15 year old dating server you fetus @Based Rai
Russia is preparing to check to see if the moon landings actually happened. They still salty nearly 50 years on
@Based Rai 1 whitey posts a meme and it doesn't get deleted and he doesn't get told to fuck off to <#418492743547879427>
another whitey sees this and thinnks it's ok for him to do the same
Still salty? Damn
the snowball rolls
I see
I'll keep that in mind
Plus cmon its filthy frank
<:SALT:497478707351650314> 🇷🇺
that was funny like 3 years ago
Reprimand a Whitey today.
Did a bunch of people get nuked from here? I just had to rejoin lol
Whitey with an attitude <:wew:443559693936492544>
dino with a small <:wew:443559693936492544>
nope just a normal saturday
torch with a larger wew
Thats one Edgy boi
<:wew:443559693936492544> <:wew:443559693936492544> <:wew:443559693936492544>
<:wew:443559693936492544> brigade
😠send me 😠profile pictures 😠so I can put 😠Christmas hats 😠on them ðŸ˜
One day
someone say nigger
Ill send you something to put a hat on
Say what?