Message from @gary
Discord ID: 517260605342744576
You're all boak
Jamie pull that up
@DUB3R5 I'm pudgy not fat
I judge food by texture, and porridge has the texture of literal boak.
Live debates can be held by anyone with a following
I'd still scran it
anyone means anyone, idiots aren't exempt
You'd scran literal boak.
ye which is a problem
I'd scran your maw
Like last nights kebab
we can't start putting idiots in camps
Hers is badly packed.
iQ war
Why do that
bc that leads to heavy misinformation a misrepresented point/argument.
Pfft I don't make food.
there you go
That JRE with Alex Jones and Eddie Bravo is still the best one
Tea you went there.
I mean the texture of cooling concealing porridge is fuckin nasty.
@Tailed Feature How in the world do you live
Tailed you're meant to come back with a retort no give me the boak
@Tailed Feature I never cooked til I was 25 and I'm decent enough at it now.
I don't have a problem with Alex jones
he's an entertainer
Welp now I'm fuckin hungry thanks munters
@coattailsandbowties views on oatmeal
I can cook a few things. I just cba and now my cooker is broken.
I'm fuckin cosy here don't wanna move