Message from @Ruger
Discord ID: 517909204229554206
ah so you do know why
another lie
Im talking about the times torch
Took off soy
I wish i could see mod logs sometimes
I mean it's rank
We literally are just a different coloured white
I lost Secret police stop bitching about soy rank
at least I could’ve kicked ppl
You gambled it away
no I didn’t
I got off for like 2 months
Well that's your fault
You were mod?
who told you to get a life
and got deranked like everyone on the server moved down a rank
Then how are you not memeslut then?
everyone got moved down a rank
Yeah I was gone for awhile
I got ran over
lame excuse
try harder
should I jump off a bridge?
What made dazzie leave for a short bit
thats just tryhardy
So how'd the Ratking thing turn out?
That’s after the scab
months off for that?