Message from @Tea
Discord ID: 519024208219734016
they go to uni
Koreans all have square features
Koreans have waxy skin.
Oh yeah I forget uni and college is different in not America land
Are you in America land?
Yeah they are.
That sucks.
Sorry my dude.
I mean college and uni are dif in America too lol
i send my condolences
You come out of nowhere
That’s why I’m scared to go to American hospitals unless it’s something I know i can’t walk off
I unironically couldn’t afford my medicine if it weren’t for my dad’s insurance
post more trap pics
How long did you sleep chief.
Hatter stop being gay
Evening degenerates
If you can walk it off you shouldn’t go to the hospital
atleast 9 hours
I have full coverage insurance through a company thankfully
And encouraging thirst
ill be a trap some other time
morning oct
I also tend to not get sick.
how sleep
Hatter stop trying to make this server thirstier
wait >evening
>hatter says morning
ok retard