Message from @Deleted User
Discord ID: 520756869732761610
it's heresy
the emperor protects
Tea is a girl, can confirm
I think the proper gender you’re looking for is cunt
thought you called me an islander for a second 😠
What’s wrong with islanders
good one
I’ll use my glass machete to crack your ankles open
hahaha, it's like one-sided as fuck but it's hilarious
Im not asian
Aye he left because he got dismantled.
fluffy bunny san
@Церковь Сталкер и Стрелок no but you're a twink
thx my woman
Made of pixels
Fucking GINGER
I can dig it
tea is a junkie
a what
Thems fighting words
a jean-key
Tea is a beautiful woman
all slander
Dont you fucking bully ~~him~~ her
Tea is the most beautiful woman on the server
@Deleted User I'm patiently awaiting the Tea fanfiction
why must you
Am steaming fuck up
Leave me the fuck alone