Message from @Crawfoot
Discord ID: 520756525816479747
my bf and my therapist
Morgan and Jack
aren't those drinks?
@Tea I'm so sorry but that Kulak guy is hilarious, and you two have the best "bants" hahaha, you hate his guts haha
don't talk to Tea, she's really pissy rn
come in vc then craw if you dont have insecurity
why the smirk
it's heresy
the emperor protects
Tea is a girl, can confirm
I think the proper gender you’re looking for is cunt
What’s wrong with islanders
good one
I’ll use my glass machete to crack your ankles open
hahaha, it's like one-sided as fuck but it's hilarious
Im not asian
Aye he left because he got dismantled.
fluffy bunny san
@Церковь Сталкер и Стрелок no but you're a twink
Girl confirmed
thx my woman
Made of pixels
Fucking GINGER
I can dig it
tea is a junkie