Message from @Dazzie
Discord ID: 521359756607225866
I wonder what happens if it snows during finals week.
Statistically insignificant atomkov, you need more numbers.
Atomikov, weird flex
Your final gets moved
but ok
you get cold during your tests
when lorne leave the server and didn't nut off to you
Oh rip
Big F, for the big soft dicked king.
he'll nut on all of us
Feel like shit just want Lorne back.
post lorne selfies
i need tro make the memes now
nevermind im in TTT and there's a child screaming i want die
Affy tapple
LOL yeah ketih is great but needs new snacks
Leave him alone, the poor man has done well
I feel kinda bad tbh. Guys probably can't work anywhere else
Whiski with the pins
*teleports behind you*
Something something **SINDERU**