Message from @heatherman
Discord ID: 521462046920015912
and of the dozens of "i finger my daughter" names lol
i mean, kick whiteys for trivial shit, but ones who rarely post and arent online
cmon haha
Nigga stop complaining
Are you complaining.
You are
can you read motherfucker haha
is an expression of confusion
*cmon haha*
How inconvenient for you, you had to find a invite link. Fuck off
C'mon guys don't kick me, I dindu nuffin
Haha, predictable
@heatherman is
why the fuck do I keep getting kicked
Cause you have a shit name.
Change your shit name and you can stay
Did red dead win goty ?
Prob not idk
Aight atleast there is semblance of reason
God of war I think
Oh that's respectable
I didn't watch it someone told me
Nice one Bonk
I mean, it looks like it probably has a good texture, but that must taste so bad
He ate that likes it's a snickers. What a lad
fuck off bonk
"Good texture" hahaha
Aaaa that one got me, I winced. Thank you bonk