Message from @heatherman
Discord ID: 521461717545254920
cool i guess?
Get used to it. Mod abuse it common
Oh was that happening again? Was wondering
what a shock
some mods have extreme patience
i wasnt even here, just click random and kick
thats just weird
and of the dozens of "i finger my daughter" names lol
i mean, kick whiteys for trivial shit, but ones who rarely post and arent online
cmon haha
Nigga stop complaining
Are you complaining.
You are
can you read motherfucker haha
*cmon haha*
How inconvenient for you, you had to find a invite link. Fuck off
C'mon guys don't kick me, I dindu nuffin
Haha, predictable
go back to r9k
@heatherman is
why the fuck do I keep getting kicked
Cause you have a shit name.
Change your shit name and you can stay
Did red dead win goty ?
Prob not idk
Aight atleast there is semblance of reason
God of war I think
Oh that's respectable