Message from @Tea

Discord ID: 522113775198011408

2018-12-11 18:12:21 UTC  

a few niggas have crushed on you while we dm'd behind the scenes iirc

2018-12-11 18:12:25 UTC  

Firewing was creepy

2018-12-11 18:12:27 UTC  


2018-12-11 18:12:29 UTC  

@StØic Jesus fucking christ why don't you fuckers ever realize that we don't fucking care about political/newsy bullshit on here, its a shitpost server and the politard quarantine has its own channel

2018-12-11 18:12:37 UTC  

@YeetshirtNinja LMAO you have no idea how many DM's I used to get

2018-12-11 18:12:42 UTC  

for some reason i remembered there being something

2018-12-11 18:12:45 UTC  

Bet it was more than a few niggas

2018-12-11 18:12:47 UTC  

i know

2018-12-11 18:12:54 UTC  

it was more than a few

2018-12-11 18:12:55 UTC  

I've had a couple people be like "awww you're with T now? :("

2018-12-11 18:12:59 UTC  


2018-12-11 18:13:06 UTC  

Because the drama is between an antisemite and a pedophile with people picking and defending sides, so it's spicy

2018-12-11 18:13:06 UTC  

@Basterixone time when I was 17

2018-12-11 18:13:13 UTC  

Did you two meet through this server?

2018-12-11 18:13:18 UTC  

literally no one cares dude

2018-12-11 18:13:27 UTC  

@󠀀󠀀AK maybe....

2018-12-11 18:13:32 UTC  


2018-12-11 18:13:32 UTC  

Hello everyone.

2018-12-11 18:13:38 UTC  

no one gives a shit, and if you do need to leave

2018-12-11 18:13:41 UTC  

we talked for months

2018-12-11 18:13:44 UTC  

@Turtle Hey dude

2018-12-11 18:13:44 UTC  

hello turtle

2018-12-11 18:13:49 UTC  

We've talked for almost a year

2018-12-11 18:13:54 UTC  

It'll be a year next month

2018-12-11 18:13:58 UTC  

indeed it will

2018-12-11 18:14:21 UTC  

I started a new personal project. @Tea

2018-12-11 18:14:30 UTC  

you two make this place bearable tbh

2018-12-11 18:14:34 UTC  


2018-12-11 18:14:38 UTC  

Pretty cute actually. A couple who shitpost together stays together

2018-12-11 18:14:38 UTC  

thats sad

2018-12-11 18:14:46 UTC  

@󠀀󠀀AK fuck up tranny

2018-12-11 18:14:59 UTC  

we cant be the reason..... i cant live knowing i make it a nice place

2018-12-11 18:15:10 UTC  

@YeetshirtNinja yer ma's yer da

2018-12-11 18:15:16 UTC  

Eat my whole ass

2018-12-11 18:15:16 UTC  

too bad tshirt

2018-12-11 18:15:20 UTC  

your pa is a ma and sells stolen avon

2018-12-11 18:15:33 UTC  

@YeetshirtNinja MAGBIEEEEEEE

2018-12-11 18:15:36 UTC  

chaos in the nice place makes it balanced

2018-12-11 18:15:40 UTC  

Thats your da

2018-12-11 18:15:41 UTC  

Why tf am I getting notifications like crazy that literally don’t concern me

2018-12-11 18:15:44 UTC  

Your da is magbie