Message from @Hatter
Discord ID: 522165431817994250
Me rn
It's like the final lap of Mario Kart
Reminds me of Coconut Mall
put the 1st 32 seconds on a 10 min loop and you have a mario level theme for a happy part of the game
i want the sauce for the music in this
it's not quite nightcore. the sound quality is still too good
true nightcore is inaudiable
sounds like some RS theme remix
oh NO
this is DEMONIC
i've found satan <:GWsocksAngeryBob:405045028981833734>
too bad you cant find good music
<> click at rrisk
@Hatter a MIDI remake of this song
Here's some good music. Shill shill shill.
Can't find the MIDI though
@Tailed Feature C O U G H <#418503124001488896>
Yeah already promoted my content in there, thanks.
Yo it's normie music post time
post normie shit
@Hatter cough fuk up
jackie dont u down react my shit 2014 music
i'll down react ur dick cunt
Shame you'll never get a chance to
Ellusive used to be called 'unknown' and it made it so hard to find his remixes because of how much of a cunt he was
Always preferred this version.
he liked making music but he hated people knowning it was his
welp. i need advise from people in a good relarionship