Message from @Hatter
Discord ID: 522187224662540299
@FenderBender no idea what you're talking about, we love our whiteys! We have the best whiteys!
Lies @The Mad King
@sweatercowsandsass It's either "Hitler did nothing wrong" "traps arent gay" or "nigger"
No caffeine after 5 p.m. that's my rule
Happy birthday lol
<@&418479903571443713> <@&473111631946317824> <@&498259609316884520>
MmmmmMMMMM. I'll get some warm coco then
Lmao zedong
@Hatter >mfw
Wait shid I have HORLICKS downstiars
@Hatter cocoa has caffeine
Is that OC?
Did you make those?
We should learn to love our whitey brothers and sisters.
For they bring peace and joy
@sweatercowsandsass Stealing 2 of my memes in a row huh?
Questgiver did
@Questgiver aye
horlicks doesn't. It's a really heavy malt drink
@Questgiver at least they are being used
its the way of the internet
For the greater good
Horlicks is garbo tho...
Made this but
@Dazzie holy shit he actually came
im proud of him
@Grey Squirrel Big false don't lie to me
But it's trash though. It lives in the bin
I ❤ our gustoppo
I already seen that earlier jackie
Into the garbage
@Limmat music starts too soon
gives it away
love gulag is hate yall
lmao get formatted