Message from @Questgiver
Discord ID: 522199134778687488
You all disappoint me
We got 15 sad reacts bois, just need 85 more.
My god boys you're all retards
the fuck is goin on here
Farming clicks.
Trying to get sad reacts so we can reactive general <:taterSad:503011481110183938>
Okay that is not epic
aite well since chat aint gonna go anywhere fast then this pic should be here a while, have a nice day.
Please sad react to pinned post
Everyone who reacted with no is getting kicked
20 reacts bois
Nearly there
Just 80 more
Thinking this a meme and not waiting till we get 100 sad reacts lmao
First one to type gets kicked
First person gets kicked.
My ancestors are smiling at me imperial, can you say the same?
Ayy lmao
I want pizza
Lmao he got kicked
A Papa John's opened just down the street from me 😢
pizza is the ultimate food
I've heard tales of this discord being full of scat porn and I am deeply disappointed
+kick @Kinkypumpkin "cringe"
Now that's a pair of pipes
@Limmat show pipes
@Tailed Feature show pipes