Message from @ₛₖₗ
Discord ID: 278370860363153412
And tbh its not worth using that label
Since pussy ass spencer fucked it
San Francisco faggots =/= desert people
Make a new label for this discord, "anti leftist coalition" or something
y tho
We need to piss off the leftards
So they do something crazy
we exist, isn't that good enough?
counter opposition
Design for wall. Mexicans can climb over it, but they'll always be on the same side.
@DakGeth being 100% serious, we could just coordinate memes and activity online, and we would be very effective. You don't really need vetting for online activity, because we fundamentally don't approve of violence. Our point is to just promote free speech and point out the idiocy of communism
you could show up at protests
Btw since we have new members, if you are in NC PM me for future right wing speaker events
but at the same time, most people see news on twitter
Question is, do they build the wall first or after deportation?
Two words: Yuri Bezmenov
@jello That's fine but for all you know you could be talking to an antifa member, this entire group could be set up by one, etc. This shit should be determined first thing
Its edge
because i'm edgucated
eVeN bEtTeR
in my memeory
ur a fuggin dyke
imma run down the porn you watch
"commie cannon
boring kiddo
We should call ourselves abolishionists because the left promotes slavery through the introduction of illegal aliens and other foreign invaders for unreasnoably low wages
I think as a group we're heavily in the clear. promoting freedom of speech and being against pointless violence aren't things people can easily take out of context or demonize
in fact I thing we're on the pendulum swing back
I'm not advocating for violence