Message from @Tea
Discord ID: 522770675929317396
fuck you it's relevant
not anymore
yeah bit late there
hey dim
I am slow, gimme a break
Afternoon Dim
Damn you all
Happ'nin' @Tea
Dogs hit on the jerky bag
Dogshit in the jerky bag?
good boi has earned his coke then
I’m in class
And they did a drug search
@Tailed Feature Happning shagger
How you feeling
And I had jerky in my book bag and the dogs smelled the jerky
@Tea Bright as a button m8.
Ratking is like 35 and deals coke in that highschool
in that highschool
Nah. I'm pretty tired. But no sore head or nausea, all good. How are you feeling?
Ya know that highschool
Ya know?
Hi tea
@Tailed Feature Throat's killing me, it's why I'm up. I didn't sleep until 11am, tbh. Sat with Mandy and Karpo for ages, like.
Shite mate.
Obvious joke is obvious Tea
Ken man, pure feeling sorry for myself.
Yes, I know, fuck off.
No u
I slept for about 4 hours, then phone went aff.
Holy shit they cook like Big
I'd eat it.