Message from @Pirate
Discord ID: 522877945627410435
we got terms for every kind of poo
@WestendPark this one
the english language makes no sense half the time
in the future this will be the legacy of Bristol
The great bowel shift was a mistake
The best kind are when its hot lava, big rock then shit nugget watter storm
I mean
@yourmomsgottgebiggay Hi there I see you're new to the dank brigade could you do us a favor and get A PROFILE PICTURE YOU AUTISTIC NIGGER FAGGOT
actually need someone who doesnt have search history autofilling
could someone google "bristol" and see if first recommendation is the poo chart
like first recommended search
Type 3 is the stuff wondershits are made of
3.5 monsters are heatbreaking
when the shit would've been bragworthy but halfway through gravity beat it
No poo
oh yeah and don't forget to subscribe to pewdiepie
we have to beat t-series 😄
Oi fuck off
I'm disappointed
I'll show you autism
@yourmomsgottgebiggay No u.
Also get a pfp
@yourmomsgottgebiggay if you don't get a profile picture you will get kicked from the server it's one of the rules
@yourmomsgottgebiggay And have a less shit name
@yourmomsgottgebiggay Also, if you are a female (read: male) send thighs
well this is retarded
google knows what I'm about
@yourmomsgottgebiggay that's not autistic that's just gay
bristol teen mom?
what you been searching nibba