Message from @Soma
Discord ID: 522963866708082705
Cali tourist board redirects towards MS13 beheading and face skinning videos
There's a really nice pub there, the ol Bull & Bush
Don't go to California.
I lived there, it's all shit. North, South, doesn't matter.
Cant forget about the REEEEAL OG’s
I went to L.A in the 90's and it was horrific
jefferson is the only part of california that isn't a total shithole
It's not gotten any better.
the 90's........miss the 90's
im cry
was shit
Attica Attica
90's were alright I guess. The only nostalgia I get from them is Warcraft 2 and Hexen.
The only nostalgia i get from it was not giving a fuck no bills no cares
top nostalgia
@Johnneedsyou you're scary
Only nostalgia i remember was swimming happily in my da’s nutsack
Cozy fatherly testicular warmth and safety
those were the days
@Johnneedsyou please do not harvest my organs
Stop @-ing me
youre weird
damn i asked for that
what did you think was going to happen
but yeah cherrio youre weird
No u
idk you stop talkin to me