Message from @LorneM
Discord ID: 523115568015081472
@TBORIOT , It isn't just that standards are lower, but:
The UK's educational system is failing people in what is being taught,
Classrooms (especially in my school) were awful and punishments were not good enough,
Parent mentality to a lot of education is 'it is your job to discipline them' instead of enforcing good behaviour with their children
I was fucking brilliant in English though
my friend went abroad to study veterinary medicine because it was easier with lower requirements lul
*Obviously the ones coming from abroad are above average*
Oh, I also forgot... UK keep changing their standards like every fucking year!
English was the only higher paper I did 😂
And I got a B
Kangaroo is good meat
It is so hard to kick out a student in KS3 now days like, students see it as a prison or a permanent safety net
well, I'll stop talking about it and go back to shitposting then
@TBORIOT yeah, but people know the Gov will be their baby daddy in the UK
If everything goes alright with the Navy and I get qualifications and I do end up based in Scotland for 4+ years I’ll go to uni for free bois
*Grade requirements change according to demand, high demand for the course = high entry requirements* you still get the top X% of the cohort
I really wanna study history and be a history teacher
yep, the lazy can just claim benefits and ggez
this is for university entry you mong
@Firetechy me nigga
also good to remember our parents got student *grants* not loans
good. dont want welder down the road paying for me to fuck about with lasers
Don’t hide jim
My mum is going to uni now though bless her
She put in a fuck tonne of effort
mum flexin on u with her degree
And I’m proud of her
Child education
She always wanted to be a teacher
She’s gonna have to deal with tards
she's already a teacher, Lorne.
i'm learning loads from her in the bedroom
do it lorne
Do it faggot