Message from @CockBot
Discord ID: 679402742808051712
Small wonder why the U.S. started fluoridation AFTER WWII.
Along with Europe
And many others.
Keep the people submissive so they don't speak out.
The Elite are always one step ahead.
because they just found out about its benefits...
the elites? are you a nazi
@🎃Oakheart🎃 not true... thats flourine
No they aren't.
its flourine
Lol explain why toothpaste is toxic if ingested?
not flouride
@🎃Oakheart🎃 because you get TOO MUCH flouride
its fine to wash around
That's why you spit it out
I have my fluoride free toothpaste right now
And there is no such toxic label.
Therefore we can conclude that fluoride is the cause.
i just said it is
And if it's toxic.
because you get too much
Why put it in water?
If they wanted you to have more fluoride, wouldn't they tell you to swallow? I think fluoride shouldn't be used in water sure
omg you really arent thinking
If you brush your teeth, isn't that enough?
Do we really need fluoride?
you dont need it
Is it worth mining all that effort JUST for tooth decay?