Message from @Snuffnuts
Discord ID: 524081175132766237
i liked that one
Communism is dead
Anarco Syndicalist commune gang
If only all the commies were @_Domo
you know what I miss? vietnam
but this time the Americans win
i miss napalming those damn chinks
Americans never win
yeah fuck those gooks
yella bastards
i mean
vietnam won in my eyes
"them fuckin gooks will never learn, napalm sticks to kids"
Fuck this class
who do we fight now?
Why did I even go to uni
select all
I miss shooting gooks
what do you call a burning cripple, hot wheels
oh god
were you even alive during vietnam? @Snuffnuts
in a past life
I probably fought for the gooks
can you save my
heavy dirty soul
you make a craw meme and i block you
yeah I can try